Quite often a military jet takes off or lands at the Marine Air Base just across the main highway that runs past the fairgounds. There are 5,000 military people on the base where they offer specialized tactical weapons training. When the "Jump Jet" Harriers are overhead, all converstions come to a halt.
On Monday afternoon Marine Lance Corporal Benson from the Public Information Office at the base spoke to us. He was a fine example of how his generation is accepting military service. He received a standing ovation from over 500 people before and after his presentation. In case you can't pick out the Marine, he is the only physically fit person on the stage. 
I have also been able to meet a few people whom I recognize as frequent contributors to a couple of RV forums that I follow faithfully. It is good to match the person to the name.
Back in the summer of 2007 when Sandy and I attended a Life on Wheels seminar near Des Moines, we attended several classes presented by Nick Russell. Nick is one of a kind. He is funny, he is an excellent teacher and writer. Nick is the editor of a bi-monthly newspaper called The Gypsy Journal.
We began following Nick's daily blog and in doing so we learned that he puts on his own rally. We pretty much decided to attend one as soon as we could. That's why we are in Yuma. Nick is the short portly guy in the red tee shirt next to the Marine (see above photo). Nick often remarks that when people tell him he needs to get into shape, he tells them that he is in shape: round.
Tomorrow we are attending classes on Tire Safety, Fire Safety, and Inside Cleaning Tips. And again tomorrow Sandy will get up early in the morning to go over to the main building to help serve coffee and donuts to the hungry seniors who love free coffee and donuts.
We purchased a fire suppression system for the engine compartment of our diesel pusher, which I will be installing shortly after it is shipped to our next RV park in Phoenix. More on that later.
The weather has been beautiful. That's all for now.
Stay tuned.
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