And when rain is forecast for the day of departure there is even more incentive to get those tasks done when the skies are clear
So today we picked up our 6’ x 5’ patio mat that we place in front of the entrance. It had 3 months of sand and a lot of pollen stuck inside the weave so I blasted it with our new $3 garden hose nozzle. These little nozzles have been around for some time and I decided to buy one at Lowe’s. I thought it might come in handy for removing bugs that will get stuck to the front of the motorhome this spring and summer. Looks like I already found another use.
We also picked up our rope lights, and wiped them clean of sand before stowing them on reels made for electric extension cords.
Next we disconnected the water supply hose ad stored it on the built-in reel. Because our freshwater tank holds 102 gallons we have more than enough to last us until we reach our next park within Ocala.
Before we disconnected the sewer hose we flushed it out by emptying the gray water tank which holds up to 110 gallons of waste water from sinks and the shower. The “black water” tank holds 54 gallons of sewerage –- again more than enough capacity for at least five days of use.
So all that remains in the morning is to disconnect and store the electrical supply cord and do the same for our portable satellite receiver that we use when trees block the roof mounted dish.
Tomorrow we are driving only about 35 miles into Ocala to a privately owned RV park. It won’t be as scenic as the Ocala National Forest, but we need cell phone service and a good internet connection to plan the next few months of travel. And we will be closer to the stores we had to drive 30 miles to reach.
We'll miss seeing this guy who likes to sit in an ergonomically correct position for egrets
Finally, here is a photo of a butterfly that was collecting nectar from some flowering bushes near the motorhome.
Stay tuned.